I posted on my twitter/facebook a status update last night thinking about how the inevitable blanket news coverage of Michael Jackson's death could have come at a bad time for Iran, pushing the Iran election protests etc out of the News at a time when the protesters need to be heard & supported etc etc - saying "MJ was a legend - but lets not forget about iran right now - they need our support and attention right now" & "if BBC and CNN etc are flooded with MJ stuff over the weekend - need to keep supporting iran and protestors when its CRUCIAL keep it moving". Don't get me wrong, MJ was an absolute legend obviously, and his death is a shock and I'm v sad about it like everyone else... but I think it needed saying....
Anyway, every now and then I get super-wierdo messages from people like this on facebook or (more usually) myspace so thought I'd share it with you ;-)

What a lovely chap ;-)
there will always be douchebag haters.
i've always heard it said "if you ain't bein hated on you ain't livin' right"
"you`re not even intelligent enough to talk about this"...?
and I thought you studied!?...
but seems like this guy knew the dnb scene and you bette than anyone else, so I better be quiet
I like his hat!
:D what an idiot. Ad. the MJ "vs." Iran thing - you're right, obviously.
Iran is not more important than Michael Jackson's death.
he's much more important, cos he made a lot for peace, and unity of people around the world.
and talking that this iran conflict is more important than death of the man WHO IS peace is stupid of you, John.
clearly missed the point man
Man, your position on Iran really made my day. It's really so inspiring to see that there's lot more to you than the glamorous facade, and that your're really conscious about the media influence and more so - importance of media coverage for events in Iran in this time!
it's clear cut that in a consumer society a death of a mass-culture icon can easily shadow Iran's ordeal and it's so inspiring for me to see that you, unlike most of celebs, are not afraid to point at the monstrosity of this state of things.
I am Just so GODDAMN PROUD! that you're that sort of person! Good of you, and don't mind 'em brain washed TV-fed shit-heads:))))
big up from Ukraine!
thanks zasvoipromo! haha, I spend too much time in hotel rooms where the only English language TV channel is CNN so I can't avoid following current affairs ;-) Or at least trying to - CNN is pure repeated sensationalist garbage at the best of times anyway...
See u in ukraine soon... (someones trying to book me for donestsk in October so maybe then....)
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