Monday, April 07, 2008

RIP Deadmau5 Mk2

Just got back from the US tour, and found another poor Deadmau5 in the loft :-( 

As much as I hate the idea of them all running around up there (thankfully there don't seem to be any scuttling about) its still sad to find a dead one. Gona have a big look around there this week to see where they're getting in...


khal said...

do all mousetraps in the UK look like that? in the US we have these:

your trap looks like a belt buckle.

John B said...

nah theres all sorts. i actually bought these ones off ebay - they said they were 'humane' - the photo made it look like they got caught inside - but apparently not... ordering more today. im gona do a census of loft mice...

khal said...

lol it humanely cracked the mouse's skull. definitely keep us posted on the mouse situation!